iRTU in accordo alla Specifica Terna

RTU iRTU according to Terna specification

Terna, in its "Code for transmission, dispatching, development, and network security," has established that the owners of plants whose operation influences the functioning of the National Electricity System must make all necessary information available for the purposes of supervision and control, remote regulation and disconnection, and remote monitoring of the plant.

To enable the correct performance of monitoring and control activities of the Network, Terna has determined that measures and signals must be made available to ensure the observability of every plant and the essential functions of electrical system management for: 

  • RTN plants or those functional to the RTN with a voltage greater or equal to 50 kV;
  • Production, consumption, and self-consumption, and distribution plants connected directly to the RTN or indirectly to the RTN through a network section with a nominal voltage equal to or greater than 50kV;
  • HVDC plants and AC Interconnectors directly connected to the RTN;
  • Production plants connected to distribution networks (including those belonging to Closed Distribution Systems).
The information must be made available at Terna's Access Points (PA) in a manner fully compatible with the Terna Control System, as prescribed by annex A.13 of the Network Code. The data to be made available are both digital and analogue and depend on the number and type of systems connected to the NTG and include the states of the switching devices and the electrical measurements associated with the HV/MV system.The acquired data must be transmitted to the Terna Control System over a dedicated network with the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol.

Thytronic Remote Terminal Unit Systems Compliant with Terna Specification

Thanks to collaboration with its subsidiary IGRID T&D, Thytronic provides RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) systems compliant with the Terna specification (redundant CPUs) capable of acquiring the required signals both in wired (digital input, analogue input) and serial modes (RS485/422, Ethernet interfaces) using the most widespread industrial protocols:
  • IEC 60870–5-101
  • IEC 60870–5-104
  • IEC 60870–5-103
  • IEC 60870–5-102
  • Modbus TCP-IP
  • Modbus RTU
  • DNP3.0 (serial, UDP, TCP)
  • DLMS
  • Profibus DP
  • IEC 61850 MMS
  • IEC 61850 GOOSE
  • OPC UA
The Thytronic RTU system can be perfectly integrated with the communication system (TLC) installed in the plant and managed by Terna, in particular, the CPU in a redundant configuration makes available respectively:
  • 4 Ethernet RJ45 10/100 Base TX / F.O. FX100 ports (RSTP) for the interface to the two Terna routers
  • 2 Ethernet Rj45 ports for the acquisition of state measures on the bus
  • 8 RS485/422 interfaces
  • Analog and digital I/O modules for the acquisition of the states and measures wired


Our RTUs also integrate the following functionality:

  • IEC 61131-3 compliant internal PLC
  • Hourly synchronisation via PTP & NTP
  • Local data storage on SD
  • Alarm & event management
  • Remote configuration
The system can be supplied mounted in a RACK cabinet complete with accessories and configured as per Terna specification.